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  • Is my order information safe?
    LPF never stores, or saves any banking, payment, or security related information. Personal information such as email, address, phone and general notes are kept securely with our vendor software providers. We never sell or distribute any information. Payments via STRIPE.COM / ZOHO BOOKS
  • I am having trouble with the online store!
    Please call us direct at 252-349-0664 or email We have very fast response time, so don't worry, we wont make you wait!
  • Does it Cost anything to visit?
    There is no fee to come and visit. Donations are extremely helpful though! We do ask if able, make a donation on our site, or in person if you had a great time. But in no means are you required. We want you to leave with more than what you came with.
  • What payment methods you accept?
    We accept: Cash: On Farm - In Person Only Credit Card / Visa / Mastercard / Amex Paypal Facebook Pay Venmo Zelle Crypto Currency? Maybe...(Contact us if you really need to pay us in BitCoin) Sorry, we cannot accept checks!
  • How can we come visit the farm?
    We open Feb/March of each year, and close December 1 to the general public. Our store remains open during all year! The best way to visit the farm, is to reach out direct to us! We're working on a Booking Page for for 2024 and hope to make this easier. Currently we are running and living on an active farm. So un-announced visits aren't always best without an appointment.
  • Can we brings drinks or food for us or animals?
    You can bring drinks, but no food. Animal food can and is often provided by LPF for kids and to feed animals to gain their attention. For the safety of animals, we cannot allow foods brought in from the outside.
  • Do you have a public bathroom?
    Because we are located on a private farm, and we reside there, we cannot safely offer restroom services to the public.
  • Can we pet the animals?
    Yes, and No. Some you can't. All required permission from the handler of your tour. For safety, all children must be accompanied by an adult or guardian. Animals we do allow to make contact with humans, are still animals. They can be unpredictable at times. Never assume a tame animal will remain tame. We've had of course 0 accidents or problems in the years we've been doing this, and we do not expose people to animals that have any behavior problems or potential for un-safe encounters. We also work with ALL animals by hand and our children handle them. Many children flock to cats, or chickens that free roam the property. Please en-sure you or any children does not chase or grab without a handler giving them the animal.
  • Are chicks always in stock?
    Yes, and No. Well, see, we can hatch about 200 eggs per month in our Hatchery. But this isn't economical to hatch a # of birds without knowing how many will sale. Often folks don't realize the cost involved with chickens, but it's real. We do have chicks almost ALL year hatching until around Sept/Oct. (Weather and Temp Reasons) This said, in 2023, a large chicken and egg shortage appeared from no-where. Eggs rose in price, everyone was in a panic! We've doubled our production for 2023 in an effort to do our part to help replenish the local supply. In 2023 so much interest ensued that folks are putting deposits down to ensure birds that haven't even been born yet! This effect usually stabilizes around mid summer, and THEN you can expect only a few days at most to wait for birds! We've also significantly reduced breeds for sale to a smaller more popular pick of birds.
  • Ok, I bought Chicks that weren't sexed, but I got ALL Roosters
    Rev: Jan2024 This has "actually" happened once, and against odds of math, I've seen it. It's rare, but most often the 50/50 rule comes into play, and mother nature doesn't often let us down! Call us, let's discuss. We may can help you out. We can't always do it, but we'll do what we can do help you out. We are not equipped to give an accurate prediction of sex. Sometimes its easy and noticeable, and other times it's not. We do however do our best to maintain the 50/50 rule at best effort. Talk to us if you just feel you didn't get the right mix you wanted.
  • Do you offer Refunds?
    Rev: Jan2024 Animals: It Depends! We don't have really many if at all each year "refund requests" - But, want to you to rest assured, we DO OFFERR REFUNDS just in case, with a few exceptions and rules. Poultry On a case by case basis, we may offer replacements for most birds within 72 hours, If something happened to your Chick(s) or Hens/Roo's/Fucks/Turkeys take photos, contact us immediately, and lets run through what happened and determine a fix. In the extreme case you're not satisfied, we're going to refund you, and do whatever it takes to get you chicks even if it means sending you up the road to someone else! With all other animals, there are no refunds for legal, and animal farm sanitation reasons, once livestock have left. Replacements may be available for some conditions and cases. Contact us for more information. Eggs If we ship you eggs, and eggs are damaged or broken, take a photo, send us the photo showing the eggs with the LPF stamp facing up on all eggs if possible. We'll issue replacements immediately. We also will try to ship and extra egg or two to help in-case of rough travels. Store bought Technology Products: Returns on these items are permitted up to 30 days. This can be lengthy depending on the manufacture, but totally doable should it just not be in the stars. Clothing We cannot return clothing if you do not like it, We order from a popular manufacture. If the clothing is damaged or incorrect, we will replace the clothing at no charge, or worst case, we'll give your money back. You'll need to return the clothing to us first. Livestock Feed: If you purchase feed from us, and there is a problem call us immediately. We will cover your feed, should there be any issues, or dissatisfied. Please contact us to discuss more on this topic.

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