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February on the Farm!

Can you believe it's already February!? Time is flying, and there's lots to do! Our year started off strong, and as you know, we've entered the Feed Business! We've had a tremendous turnout for orders, and we thank you! Let's keep this good thing going shall we! As we ramp up for the season, we wanted to share some photos, videos and notes about this months updates!

Right now, we sold out early on piglets, and that's surprised us! We still have many pigs of other classes available, and all the way up to 400Lbs! We're not expecting more piglets until possibly June through the rest of the year.

Our Goat Population just went up +2 with the goat world! Back in 2021 we had a sudden population loss of our goats, and lost around 9 goats. It was devastating, so it's refreshing to see our population growing again this year. We don't have names yet, if you have any ideas, shoot over a suggestion to

Goats are .. really sometimes difficult. It's like the only animal who is born into hazards. They're like children and get into stuff, eat things. They can be challenging, and honestly one of the trickiest animals we have. Don't let their cuteness distract you from the fact they jump where they shouldn't, eat what they can't, and if there is a fence into a fire burning pit of coals, they will jump in. . . they are cute though right? Just look at the photo above, is that not a face that says "I'm getting out of here buddy!"

For the Celebrity of the farm, "Annie", and those following her, she's doing great! A little too great. She's figured out how to break out in places around feeding time. Joining the dogs as if not to be noticed, she comes running for the chance of any food. She knows when its feeding time! We don't keep her in an electric fence enclosure like the others. She goes right back up when we call her though. She doesn't quite understand why she can't go inside the house anymore and gives us a look like "You forgot me". But she's doing great. Below is a short video of her SPA moment where do a quick checkup on her, and of course give her lots of love and she eats it right up. She also knows how to Sit, and roll over. If you don't rub her belly when she lays down, she'll jump like a spring, bite you and throw herself down on the ground. Smart animals!

So what else is in store for the year? Well we're hoping to get the Chicks up and ready by full spring, we're admittingly a little behind on the hatchery but we'll get there. We're constantly looking for ways to improve our processes and this is one we need to get going quickly. We're already getting your emails about birds! We hear you!

We're hoping this year, for all those asking for goose Eggs, we're happy to announce African Goose Eggs are available this year for hatching and purchase! Email us for information, they will

soon be in the store and available! Keep in mind, these Geese are different. They are great guard animals, but if you are not there when they are born, to love them, they will imprint on each other, and can a bit much to deal with. Ensure your ready to have an animals who's always up in your business letting you know the thoughts of the day. If you do get them to imprint on you, they are amazing. They have no fear, and will chase at just about any animal that doesn't belong. I haven't figured out how they know who's who, but they know somehow. They are large, and in charge. A worthy animal to keep with your birds if you have predators. At the very least they will alert you on animals, and not moving pine cones in the wind like a Guinea bird would. Quite an effective bird for diverse flock. They get along with the ducks and chickens, and on occasion get snippy with a passing cat.

Remember to get your feed orders in, we're considering doing weekly pickups instead of Bi Weekly. This is strongly dependent on our orders each week. If you need feed, we're gonna get it! Just reach out and chat with us. A proud distributor for Coker Feed Mill

Get the best locally produced foods for animals. You can order straight from our store! We've also added the section "FEED - Most Popular" to help make orders faster!

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