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Great changes in Feed Availability!

Great news fans! We are now getting freight deliveries for feed, and we've partnered up with the mill to receive bi-weekly loads of all the products you normally expect even faster!

So how does this change things? Here's the highlights:

  • You can purchase online like your normally do, no more waiting until Weekends, we just plan to have it.

  • If we don't have it, we'll go get it, or we'll order on our next freight load.

  • If it's something you want, and we currently don't stock it, we'll stock it just for you!

  • Coming to the new store is easy, just reach out to us, drop a txt, and setup a time and we'll be there.

  • Deliveries to customers establishments will remain on weekends only.

Coming Soon:

For our members, our store will hopefully be soon equipped with a unique door system and code. When you purchase from us, you can choose to receive a code, and pickup the feed anytime you'd like at your convenience. More to be announced soon! We're still working on some details, and is considered completely experimental if we can do it. We'll keep you posted.

So, put your orders in, and no more waiting! Thank you for everyone's support, and trust. It's been an overwhelming delight bringing you better quality feed, and normal prices.

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