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July 2024 Updates!

Updated: Jul 29

Well how about some updates shall we? Been a minute since we posted, and certainly have been just super busy like everyone else. With the business humming right along, we're growing super fast, and all thanks to you!

First! If anyone is interested, the Great Folks of Coker Feed Mill are doing a feed study! And if you participate you can enter to win $500.00. This information helps them and us understand you better. It's kind of fun but will take about 20 minutes!

Just click here and follow the questions!


On to other great things! The feed store is taking off like SpaceX rocket! We can barely keep our store front stocked very long. Here's the agenda for Little Planes Farm Feed

  • SEPT: We'll be doing some fun things with coupons!

  • OCT: We'll be moving to a new location, in Maysville, NC

  • DEC: We're looking to begin 2025 expansion project - Stay Tuned for Big News! A tremendous shout out to the Town of Maysville, NC. Thank you for all you're support, you really are a wonderful town of people and community. Special thanks To Maysville Police Department as well, who serve and protect it's people; putting their lives on the line for us everyday!

We gain new customers, and new friends every day!. We have trucks running every week, and our bi-weekly Freight truck. We're also offering select delivery to select areas. Find out if you are in this area, and qualify for a free drop off! We're still toying with the idea of a Flock Swap in the Fall. We haven't committed to anything yet, but hope to do so soon. We had a great turn out in June, and were so thankful for all that came to support us!

Farm Life

It's been so HOT. The older we get it, sure seems like it just gets hotter every year. We finally saw some rains on the farm. Our pond looked a bit like it had a leak and was very low. Baked in mud so hard you couldn't hit it with a chisel and wouldn't make a dent. All the animals are struggling with the heat as well. We've talked about this in other posts, but keeping your farm friends cool is very important here. It's easy to purchase Misters that use very little water, and make a huge difference.

This year, we decided to make a mini Chicken and bird river in our coops. I will try and get pictures once we're fully done, but its more or less an experiment with water. We dug a 1ft deep x 2 ft wide trench that runs the full length of all our coops, running from one to the next under fencing. It's about 250 feet long but we put a hose at one end, with a nice rock bed, and begin filling the river. Due to the way the land slopes, it perfectly fills and moves the water along. The birds absolutely LOVE IT. It does come with a price. Water isn't free, and for some it's unbearable to pay. We have a lucky break and have septic. Well water would be even

better for those who want to do something like this. It's a very easy way to keep our birds cool. They have learned we do this now, and line up at the river clucking to get us to turn on the river water!

We also added a new Animal this year! Say hello to Darling, our Pea Hen! We obtained her slightly used, but well oiled. She comes to us, makes some new sounds, and is NOT afraid of us if we have food. We don't know a lot about her, but she's happy to be here, and doesn't fly away at least. We do plan on getting a male. They are strangely expensive. We've got a lot to learn about her in the meantime.

The other animals are all doing well. Animals are always keeping us laughing though. Here's Mochi (Sheep) who discovered a planter and somehow got it caught in her neck. She decided to keep it, and wouldn't let us take it from her at first. We just discovered that her breed auto sheds, and it's amazing. We learn so much new stuff. Admittingly we don't have many sheep. It's one of those animals though that when it comes to sheering them, whoa. We are not pros, but we had to learn.

It takes me like an hour to sheer one sheep. Watch a Youtube video and you'll see it's a 5 minute job for a pro. The cutters/sheers we use are huge, and should have a name like Dewalt tool or something.

Do you know what Geese and Bruises have in common? Yea, we're still trying to tame our geese. We have 4 Super Africans. 1 loves us, 1 hates us, the other 2 don't get close unless we have some food. They have a nasty bite, reversable barb teeth, and a personality that goes with taking your lunch money in a dark alley. They are fearless. Still a bit noisy, but we've managed to learn a bit about their sounds. We know when they see a new person or animal that's not supposed to be there.

That's about it for the news! Stay tuned for more. If you've managed to read this far down, shoot me an email at and mention you read the article for a $3.00 coupon!

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