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The Great Future of Feed in Maysville NC!

So the Feed Store!? Where's is going to go from here? It's been really great to see everyone's support, and the folks who've become or been loyal customers, thank you. We started with an idea to just simply get feed back to prices we all can afford. We've sure put a dent in that I think. We have a lot to learn, and growth to think about. We're steady up trending on new customers, friends, and relationships, and we're up for the challenge. We're proud to be a Coker Feed Mill Distributor!

We're looking for a few key focuses before this time next year.

  • Location with safe and controlled storage for the Feed Stock

  • A bigger storefront with operating hours and availability like nothing you've ever seen before

  • 5x Customer Outreach

  • Continued Yearly Presence at the Marketplace and/or events!

  • Continue to Drive Lower Pricing

These are some of our goals, and we'll need all the help we can get! Got a friend who needs feed? Send them to us, and get a coupon discount on your next order!

Our plan is to stay in Maysville. We believe in the community here, and want to commit to being a part of it's growth. Some of you are driving quite far to visit us! We think that's great!

For a town like not many, come and visit! Perhaps you'll take a moment to stop and eat at the Local Farmers Kitchen, or maybe you'll cool off with a nice frozen treat at Yo Bre'z

Before you leave town, be sure to stop along the bridge the White Oak River. too They even have Frisbee Golf there! For a more outdoor Adventure trip, take just a few miles down HYWY 58, and check the Croatan Forest out! Driving trails, nature, and you couldn't see it all in one day. Don't speed though on the dirt roads, you'll 100% crash or get a ticket. There are lots of accidents because people believe they can drive 55 on a dirt road.

For most, it's a town you hear folks say "I've never heard of that", or "I've been through there once or twice." Come at the right time, and be a part one of many a town events, or a July 4th Fireworks show at the Maysville Park! Next up is the Memorial Day Market Opening! We'll be there and open for business! We hope you join us and stop in to say hello. Saturday May 25, 2024! There will be a band performing 12-3! at the new Bandstand! Opening Ceremony 11am!

Annual Flock Swap Event!

We're Tentatively aiming for the last weekend in June for our Annual Flock Swap Event, also held at the Marketplace Maysville, downtown! We're still ironing out some details on this, but we're working on it. We will continue to keep everyone posted on this!

Best Regards from the Farm!

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