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We need your support!

We started our adventure, with one simple concept of the farm. Let's make something amazing, and make sure Something has be free. Not just like, a gimmicky free, no, something of real value, that we could always provide and charge only a smile.

With that on the drawing board for weeks, we decided to do Farm Tours, knowledge points, contacts, and even assist other farms! And we're able to maintain that for free! While livestock sales cannot be made free, we wanted to make our farm and knowledge are accessible to everyone without worry of cost.

We've found a niche in helping start-ups, newbies, and folks who just need some advice. Everything from Vet to "Make it easier" - We're trying to do that!

Now the tough part, it does cost us. So instead of asking for fees, charging unfair prices, we're always asking for donations! If you would like to donate to our farm, we certainly appreciate it! If you don't, that's ok too! If you choose to donate to our farm, we want to give you, something special!

(Click Above to Go to our Donations Page)

$1 - Donate a dollar. It all helps - Personal Letter thanking you for your support!

$50 - Donate $50 and we'll send you a special gift!

$100 - Donate $100 or more, and receive a very special gift, and LPF Shirt! Personal Photos, videos, and we'll put a sponsored by page of your choice. (coming soon)


Just support us by dropping us an email, and keeping touch. Talking to our patrons is what it's all about! Like our FACEBOOK PAGE

We appreciate each and every one of you who support us! We couldn't do any of this without help, family and friends.


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