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Weather Woes and Wonderful Wins at Little Planes Farm!

Weather Woes and Wonderful Wins at Little Planes Farm!

Hello, wonderful folks! It's Chris here from Little Planes Farm, bringing you the latest farm-tastic news with a dash of humor because, let's face it, farming is equal parts mud, magic, and mirth!

Temperature Tango: Hot or Not?

Is it just me, or is the weather doing a cha-cha-cha between hot and cold? One minute you're donning your winter gear, and the next, you're in shorts wondering if Mother Nature is perhaps undecided about the season. But hey, let’s keep our spirits high and thermometers handy – it's an adventure, right?

The Great Mud Saga

Ah, the rains have blessed us with ample mud. It's like nature's own spa treatment for the farm, except not as relaxing. But worry not! We've discovered the magic of straw. A little straw here and there, and voila – our pens are less like a mud-wrestling ring and more like... well, slightly less muddy enclosures.

It’s Pig Season, Folks!

Pig season is here, and it's oinking awesome! Our pigs have been working hard (well, mostly lounging and snacking) to bring you the finest pork. Swing by or drop us a line to stock up on your pork needs. Trust me, it's so good it might just make you squeal with delight!

Feed Store Maysville, NC: Where Magic Happens

Our Feed Store in Maysville, NC, isn't just a store; it's a haven for feed enthusiasts! We're open, peppy, and ready to welcome you in person. More of an online shopper? We’ve got you covered with web orders and delivery services that are as smooth as a piglet’s behind.

Partnering with Coker Feed Mill

Big news! We've joined forces with Coker Feed Mill because we believe in the power of teamwork, especially when it comes to high-quality, affordable feed. Whether you have horses, livestock, cattle, or pets that look at you with those "feed me better" eyes, we've got your back.

Livestock and Family Tours: Coming Spring 2024!

Get ready to mark your calendars for Spring 2024! We’re opening our gates for Livestock and Family Tours. Imagine a day filled with furry friends, farm tales, and maybe even a hayride if you're lucky!

Referrals: Share the Love, Earn the Bucks

Know someone who would love our farm? Send them our way, and we’ll send a $10.00 coupon your way for any product! It's our way of saying "thanks for moo-ving in the right circles."

First-Time Feeders, Rejoice!

New to Little Planes Farm's Feed Store? Email us, and we’ll whisk a $5.00 off coupon your way. It's like a welcome hug, but with more feed and less awkwardness.

That's all for now! Stay tuned for more tales from the farm, where every day is an adventure, occasionally muddy, but always moo-ving!

Cheers, Chris from Little Planes Farm

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