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Kits (Birth to 8 Weeks)

  • Birth to Weaning (0-4 weeks):

    • Mother’s milk is essential.

    • Ensure the doe has access to a high-quality feed and fresh water.

  • Weaning (4-8 weeks):

    • Gradually introduce high-quality rabbit pellets.

    • Provide small amounts of fresh hay, such as timothy or alfalfa.

    • Access to fresh water at all times.


Growing Rabbits (8 Weeks to 6 Months)

  • Feed a growth-specific rabbit pellet (free-choice or 4-6 oz daily depending on size).

  • Hay: Free-choice access to timothy hay.

  • Introduce fresh greens in small amounts as a supplement.

  • Ensure access to fresh water.


Adult Rabbits (6 Months and Older)

  • Feed a maintenance rabbit pellet (2-4 oz daily depending on size and activity level).

  • Hay: Free-choice access to timothy or grass hay.

  • Provide fresh greens and vegetables (avoid starchy or sugary foods).

  • Ensure access to fresh water at all times.


Breeding Does and Bucks

  • Breeding Season:

    • High-quality rabbit pellet (4-6 oz daily).

    • Free-choice access to hay and fresh water.

  • Gestation and Lactation:

    • Increase pellet feed (6-8 oz daily).

    • Provide additional alfalfa hay for extra calcium and protein.

    • Fresh water at all times.


Senior Rabbits (5 Years and Older)

  • Adjust feed to maintain healthy weight.

  • Provide high-quality pellets (2-4 oz daily).

  • Free-choice access to timothy or grass hay.

  • Ensure access to fresh water at all times.


Special Notes

  • Avoid feeding iceberg lettuce, as it provides little nutrition and may cause digestive upset.

  • Introduce new foods gradually to prevent digestive issues.

  • Monitor weight and health regularly and adjust feeding accordingly.


Recommended Feeds: 


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