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Kits (Birth to 8 Weeks)
Birth to Weaning (0-4 weeks):
Mother’s milk is essential.
Ensure the doe has access to a high-quality feed and fresh water.
Weaning (4-8 weeks):
Gradually introduce high-quality rabbit pellets.
Provide small amounts of fresh hay, such as timothy or alfalfa.
Access to fresh water at all times.
Growing Rabbits (8 Weeks to 6 Months)
Feed a growth-specific rabbit pellet (free-choice or 4-6 oz daily depending on size).
Hay: Free-choice access to timothy hay.
Introduce fresh greens in small amounts as a supplement.
Ensure access to fresh water.
Adult Rabbits (6 Months and Older)
Feed a maintenance rabbit pellet (2-4 oz daily depending on size and activity level).
Hay: Free-choice access to timothy or grass hay.
Provide fresh greens and vegetables (avoid starchy or sugary foods).
Ensure access to fresh water at all times.
Breeding Does and Bucks
Breeding Season:
High-quality rabbit pellet (4-6 oz daily).
Free-choice access to hay and fresh water.
Gestation and Lactation:
Increase pellet feed (6-8 oz daily).
Provide additional alfalfa hay for extra calcium and protein.
Fresh water at all times.
Senior Rabbits (5 Years and Older)
Adjust feed to maintain healthy weight.
Provide high-quality pellets (2-4 oz daily).
Free-choice access to timothy or grass hay.
Ensure access to fresh water at all times.
Special Notes
Avoid feeding iceberg lettuce, as it provides little nutrition and may cause digestive upset.
Introduce new foods gradually to prevent digestive issues.
Monitor weight and health regularly and adjust feeding accordingly.